Lake Kiowa Community Master Plan
Lake Kiowa, Texas
The purpose of this study was to evaluate existing amenities within the Lake Kiowa community, identify additional amenities for the betterment of the community, and make recommendations for implementing this Plan. With a 20-year outlook, the Plan can be used to measure success for the community and support the decision making process. The Plan provides the vision, site plans, and step-by-step direction on how to get there for this private community of 2,000 residents.

Scope of Services
- Community Master Plan
- Community Engagement
- Site Design
- Implementation Strategies
- The final plan provides conceptual plans and cost estimates for new and improved amenities over the next twenty years.
- Identification of potential use for 52-acre parcel owned by the LKPOA.
- Provides solutions to enhance the community’s assets while proposing additional creative uses.
- Recommendations for both east and west areas of Lake Kiowa were designed to maintain a balance within the community and create a great place to live.